Today, my group played with the idea of changing or manipulating our original idea to incorporate a sense of the supernatural and abnormal. Sophina pitched the idea of a scene where the main actress is on the phone to her mother, but there is no answer and the phone gives out a strange, 'other world-ly' noise. We then evolved that idea by deciding to incorporate it into a montage at the end of the trailer, with many different shots showing the main actress in distress, the mother being killed -this idea needs to be evaluated and decided for definate- and the mother or stalker turning into a 'demon' or a 'monster'. Obviously, we will be careful not to give too much away when compiling this montage, so as not to give the storyline away. 
    As a group, we will talk about this idea more, draw up a storyboard incorporating it and decide locations, props, costumes and actors and actresses. I personally like this idea as it changes the sub-genre from a thriller to  paranormal/supernatural.