Today, I wasn't able to attend filming but I have made suggestions as to what to do with the editing. Sophina and Lauren were able to film in a friend's house for the bedroom scenes and the scene of the main male standing outside of the house. For the bedroom scenes, Sophina and Lauren decided to get Lein - the main female character - to sit up in bed with a gasp and look towards the door. In editing, we edited the shot of the doorway with Richard - the main male - in a montage after the shot of Lein sitting up in bed and before the shot going back to Lein looking back at the door. Then the first twist of the trailer is revealed - the door is shown again and there is no one standing there. 
    Sophina and Lauren then filmed Lein walking to the window, lifting the window netting over her head and staring out of the window. Then the shot cuts to Richard standing on the pavement in front of the house, staring in the direction of Lein's window. We all thought this was a particularly good scene as it shows mystery as to who Richard is and shows Lein's fear at the thought of someone watching her. 
    Today, we did some more filming for our trailer. We focused on the last few shots, where the main female is running and screaming for help through a grassy area, and the shots where the main male is getting closer to the camera. We decided to use a handheld shot when the girl is running, as we felt it would look more effective and would give the trailer more of a relative effect - the handheld shot of the girl's face as she runs may remind our audience of when they run away from something or a time when they have felt fear. We chose to take a shot where the main girl is climbing out of a densely bushed area - we felt that it would give a mysterious element to the trailer and make the audience ask questions like 'How did she get there?' 'Why is she there?' 'What happened to her?'
    When filming the main male's part of him walking through trees towards the camera, we had to use the video recorder on Sophina's iPhone because the camera ran out of battery. The show was good and we could cut it in different areas, but because it was filmed on a phone and not the HD camera it came up on the computer as a strip of footage and didn't take up the whole screen like the rest of the shots. For that reason, we have decided not to include that particular shot. 
These are the images that I took for the still shots and for the poster. I have edited these images to make them correspond with the overall 'horror' genre - they are dark and with saturated colour, which makes them appear enclosed, dull and have an atmosphere that makes the subject seem insecure and alone. The use of a spotlight corresponds with the above ideas, as it encircles the subject and encloses them within a black space. I have also adjusted the colour balance to included very vague shades of green and blue, which alter the overall tone of the image to make it seem cold and empty. I have taken into account that these images may be used in the poster, so I have made sure to have back-ups of every image.
    Today, we started filming the first shots of our trailer. My team decided to film these shots in Kington when it was dark, to make it seem like the girls were having an evening out together. The girl on the far left is eating, which supports this relaxed image, and all of the girls looks relaxed and like good friends, which was the feeling my team wanted to convey. 
    When we were filming, we had to find the right time to film the shots we wanted, as it is a public place and people tend to walk through this particular area quite often. We managed to take the shots from different angles and perspectives, which allows us to choose from a variety of shots when we come to editing the shots together. 

    This is the filming schedule that we made for the week of filming. We had difficulty deciding who we wanted to use as our main female character, as both Sophie and Lein were up for the job. In the end, we decided to use Lein as our main female and Sophie as one of her friends in the first scene. We've been able to spread the scenes quite evenly throughout the week and I just hope everyone is able to contribute and give up some of their time after school to helping us.
    Today, my group played with the idea of changing or manipulating our original idea to incorporate a sense of the supernatural and abnormal. Sophina pitched the idea of a scene where the main actress is on the phone to her mother, but there is no answer and the phone gives out a strange, 'other world-ly' noise. We then evolved that idea by deciding to incorporate it into a montage at the end of the trailer, with many different shots showing the main actress in distress, the mother being killed -this idea needs to be evaluated and decided for definate- and the mother or stalker turning into a 'demon' or a 'monster'. Obviously, we will be careful not to give too much away when compiling this montage, so as not to give the storyline away. 
    As a group, we will talk about this idea more, draw up a storyboard incorporating it and decide locations, props, costumes and actors and actresses. I personally like this idea as it changes the sub-genre from a thriller to  paranormal/supernatural.
    Today, the IT tech showed the class how to use the HD cameras that we would use to film our trailers, and we eventually went off in our groups to film or take pictures of possible locations. Myself, Lauren and Sophina went around the area around our school and spotted a few different locations that could of possibly related to our trailer idea. 
    We decided to base our images around abandoned or untidy areas that we thought would relate to our storyboard. Alleys and deserted housing estates would be ideal for our main female character to run through when being 'chased' by the main male character, as would the subway, as they give atmospheres of abandonment, loneliness and can be quite dark and restricting. We have yet to decide whether we are definitely going to use these locations or not.
    Some of our best images and ideas of possible locations are shown below.