This is the first draft of our film poster. As you can see from the stages, I started with the original image of Lein and then progressed to make several layers which would make up the finished image. I decided to incorporate a side-view image of Richard to show that Lein was surrounded by a stalker -Richard- and used two Richard's to achieve this. I changed the opacity of both copies of Richard to make it seem as though he was invisible, but in reality was just making himself invisible to her. 
    I decided to make the 'COMING SOON' and the date of release quite big, to attract the viewers attention and to accentuate the release of the trailer to make the audience remember it. For the review at the top of the poster, I decided to use 'Massacre' as the name of a magazine as it has connotations of horror and bloodshed, which reminds the viewer of the typical horror genre. 'The Shining' was the best horror of it's generation, with a strong psychological aspect which can be linked with our trailer. The fact that the quote states that 'Hunt' is "the best horror since 'The Shining'" tells the viewer that the movie is another classic. For the logo for 'Hunt', I used an online text generator - - and then used Photoshop to select only the words and the spatters of white around the letters. If i didn't do this, the black background of the logo would have brought a solid rectangle of black infront of the picture and this would have looked both unprofessional and  would have ruined the overall look of the poster. We all decided to make our target audience both boys and girls of 15 and over. We chose this particular age because we thought our trailer/film would be too disturbing for ages 13 and under.
    This is the new and final edit of the poster. As you can see, I have included an extra line of text to make it clear to the viewer who has made the film. I have written it in a way that makes it seem as though we have made films before and they have been successful and popular - the use of 'from' makes us sound as though we are a big production company and should be recognised. I have used the same writing that was used in the trailer and on the rest of the poster, but have stretched it out so that it appeared dominant and can be noticed and read easily, but is small enough to make the title of the movie stand out the most. 
    I also added our Corrupt productions logo to the poster, to show that we made it and that Corrupt Productions is 'real'. Lauren designed the logo on the same website that I made the 'HUNT' logo on - - and we all agreed on this font and colour because it reflects the horror genre and hasn't been used by the other groups. The writing looks as though someone has etched it and it reminds me of the famous 'REDRUM' writing from The Shining. 

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